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Music and Time Annotation << Back
Virtuosos of High Rank |
E.V. Kruglova
The article is devoted to topical issues of performing practice of Baroque operas. In modern musical culture, there is a huge interest in the music of ancient masters, and, in particular, in its historical performance. Operatic masterpieces of Baroque composers G.F. Handel, A. Vivaldi, D. Scarlatti and N.A. Porpora are increasingly heard. A bright event for the Russian public was the Moscow premiere of N.A. Porpora opera «Polyphemo», which after almost three centuries, even before the premiere in Moscow, was performed only three times. The article examines the history of the first and subsequent productions of the opera. The author conducts a comparative analysis of the vocal, technical and artistic skills of the fi rst performers and performers of the central parts, participants of the opera premiere in Moscow in 2021. Conclusions are drawn in which the main technical parameters for stylistically adequate performance of vocal music by Baroque composers are determined.
Keywords: baroque culture, vocal technique, castrato singers, countertenor, premieres, Nicolo Antonio Porpora.
Pp. 24-28. |
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