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Music and Time Annotation << Back
Rhythm of the nature in Nebojsa Zivkovic’s music: TAK-NARA for percussion quartet op. 36 (2009) |
I.A. Melikhov
The article considers one of the aspects of the work of Serbian composer-percussionist Nebojsa Zivkovic, his ensemble works. Ensemble «Tak-Nara» for percussion quartet, commissioned by Auditorio de Tenerife and dedicated to Canarian islands is in the focus of attention in the article. The composer reaches the artistic imagery of this work using the innovative performing methods and including some rare percussion instruments into the score. As a main feature, the idea of the historical nature of percussion instruments is taken. Main performing methods, interpretational tasks for musicians (e.g. technical levels, specificity of percussion
playing) are analysed. Methods of research include historical, analytic and comparative ones.
Keywords: Zivkovic, composition, percussion instruments, ensemble methods of expression, rhythm of the nature.
Pp. 25-36. |
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