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Works for harp by Andre Caplet (1878–1925) |
A.A. Makarova
The article deals with the history of the creation of outstanding works of the harp repertoire belonging to André Caplet (1878–1925) – a friend and companion of Claude Debussy, who made about ten orchestral arrangements and revisions of the works of the French master. His own work with the work received recognition abroad with the efforts of his friends-musicians – M. Kahn, M. Marechal, E. Jourdan-Morhange, etc. In Russia it is known only to a narrow circle of specialists. The proposed article aims to draw attention to the original artist through the prism of his solo and ensemble harp compositions that make up the central part of the heritage. "Fantastic tale" (based on the novel of E. A. Poe "the Masque of the red death") was conceived for the experimental instrument − the chromatic harp, Divertimento, reflect the main trends of French music – the harpsichord early fascination with culture and musical hispanistics, mystery "Reflection of Jesus" is an outstanding work, reviving the principles of the pre-classical sacred music. Together with the vocal lyrics with the active participation of the harp, these compositions place the highest demands on the harp performer in the field of knowledge of timbre expressiveness, ensemble interaction, rhythmic accuracy, knowledge of french musical terminology. The article is based on the analysis of the musical text and the latest fundamental work devoted to the work of the composer, authorship D. Huneau (2007).
Keywords: harp, french composer, André Caplet, Claude Debussy, «the Masque of the Red death», «Refl ection of Jesus».
Contacts: E-mail: harp.78@mail.ru
Pp. 27-29. |
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