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The National Opera of the Chinese People of Bai in the Historical Evolution of Species and Musical Characteristics
Li Jianfu

This article is dedicated to the Chinese national opera baiju (白剧), which originated in Dali County, Yunnan Province, and was formed by 1962. Opera is unfamiliar for a wide circle of Russian readers, as well as for musicologists of Russia. This genre of art of the small nationality of China is both young and ancient. Being the national art of the Bai people, the opera has a long history. It is based on an ancient classical musical drama, which in the Dali region acquired the name Chuichui-qiang (吹吹 腔) and, in turn, arose on the basis of the musical drama ian-ts'yan (弋阳 腔), which was widespread at the beginning of the Ming dynasty (14th.) in Iyan County, Jiangxi Province. Another component of the opera baiju is the song and telling art daben-chui (大本 曲), which also has a long history and rich cultural traditions. This singing style first appeared in the vicinity of Lake Erhai – in a beautiful and fertile land, the center of the economy, politics and culture of Yunnan Province. Later this type of singing spread throughout the entire autonomous region of Dali. These two kinds of musical art mutually provided beneficial conditions for the appearance of the opera baiju.
Keywords: Chinese musical drama, baiju, Bai people, type, musical characteristic.

Contacts: E-mail: jefflee99887766@gmail.com

Pp. 12-16.


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