A.N. Papenina, N.A. Kulygina
The article is devoted to the comprehensive coverage of the International Festival of Arts «Time of Stravinsky», which took place in St. Petersburg on December 6 and 7, 2021 on the eve of the 140th birthday anniversary of the composer, organized by Artur Zobnin and the St. Petersburg Molot-Ensemble collective. The festival events are highlighted and described - lectures, exhibitions, presentations, premieres of I. Zobnin’s «Initiation» and I. Stravinsky’s «Les Noces» ballets. The question is raised about the role of ritualism at the current stage of development of society, about liminality and crisis as such at the moment of «transformation», «transition» of a personality to a new social and spiritual status. The ideological background of the visual side, the concept of the production, the peculiarities of the musical score of «Initiation» are analyzed in detail, the course and specifics of the work on the premieres of the choreographer Irina Sergeeva are described.
Keywords: Festival, Stravinsky, premiere, ballets, «Les Noces», «Initiation», «St. Petersburg Molot-Ensemble», ceremony, choreography, symbolism, Presidential Fund for Cultural Initiatives.
Pp. 45-48. |